
~~ it's funny how hello always accompanied with goodbyes .. it's funny how good memories can start to make you cry ~~
~~ it's funny how forever never seems to really last .. it's funny how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past .. it's funny how "Friends" can just leave you when you're down .. it's funny when you need someone they're never around ~~
~~ it's funny how people change and think the're so much better .. it's funny how one lies can be packed in one "love letter" ~~
~~ it's funny how people forgive even though they can't forget .. it's funny how one night can contain so much regrets .. ~~ it's funny how ironic life can turn out to be .. but the funniest part of all .. .. is that .. ..
~~ none of that are funny to me ~~

Friday, August 6, 2010

Dexter is the name .. .. ..

meaning of name Dexter (which is me) according to

1. Dexter

A TV show on Showtime about a guy named Dexter. He's a forensics scientist by day, and a serial murderer by night. What sets him apart is that he's a serial murderer of OTHER serial murderers. So he's the good guy of the story. Based on the book series by Jeff Lindsey. Very strange, but well-written.

Tagline: Dexter takes life. Seriously

2. Dexter

A person on the right side or on the side of right. Half evil and half good. Is usually run by emotion and a manipulator of matters at hand.
Dexter has come to save the day, but ends it tragically without anyone ever knowing.

3. Dexter

The act of killing someone. Word based off of the Showtime series Dexter, where we follow a serial killer and his exploits.
"I can't believe she cheated on me, I'm gonna Dexter that b*tch."

"You just got Dextered fool"

4. dexter

A serial killer with a code of operation that mandates that only those who truly deserve to die actually do.
The guy met all the criteria in order that he went dexter all over him.

5. Dexter

a sexually attractive male specimen.
damn, that guy is so dexter

6. Dexter

a very smart, caring, amazing, cute boy. he will make an amazing boyfriend. they will never let you down, and are always there for you.
dexters make very good boyfriends, especially to katies. i love them.

7. Dexter

Pronunciation: \ˈdex-ter\
Function: noun

A person who is driving and texting at the same time, typically being observed swerving and not paying attention to the road.
Harrison: Whoa... look at that guy driving, he must be drunk or totally stoned.

Mike: No dude, he's trying to drive and txt. What a dumbass.

Harrison: Totally...he's a dexter.

8. dexter

used when joking about the act of stalking and killing someone who deserves it. arose from the popularity surrounding the showtime series "dexter," which follows the life of a vigilante serial killer.
"did you hear what he did?"
"yeah, we should dexter his ass."

9. dexter

a person who is either addicted to or frequently uses the drug DXM
Look at that dexter, hes lost his mind!

10. dexter

An amazing, shrimp lover, who loves to stomp on Hannah Montana Cd's. Also he owns his own labatory:D
Man, that's one cool jump on Hannah Montana Dexter xD.

11. dexter

The act of finger-blasting your fartbox while tripping on dxm.
Charlie was tripping so hard that he gave himself a dexter in the middle of the party!

12. dexter

A term given to a nerdy kid. Short for poindexter.
Hey look at dexter over there with his glasses! Going to math class? Dexter

13. dexter

the coolest kid ever! Very awesome has a great taste in music. And is the greatest person to be around. Hes also freaking gorgeous.
There is only one good dexter. Thats dexter mcgrew. hehe

14. dexter

one who sends dirty text messages.
Wow that girl is a dexter.

15. Dexter

Slang for dextromethorphan.
*How much* dexter did that guy drink?

16. Dexter

A really sweet boy who has his bad times is not a fighter but is known for his role at the fight club.


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