
~~ it's funny how hello always accompanied with goodbyes .. it's funny how good memories can start to make you cry ~~
~~ it's funny how forever never seems to really last .. it's funny how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past .. it's funny how "Friends" can just leave you when you're down .. it's funny when you need someone they're never around ~~
~~ it's funny how people change and think the're so much better .. it's funny how one lies can be packed in one "love letter" ~~
~~ it's funny how people forgive even though they can't forget .. it's funny how one night can contain so much regrets .. ~~ it's funny how ironic life can turn out to be .. but the funniest part of all .. .. is that .. ..
~~ none of that are funny to me ~~

Friday, July 23, 2010

stAtUs UpdAtE

.. my FaceBook status update ..

..WITTY ..

~~ great minds all think a like , dirty minds on the other hand ..!?.. work together ~~
~~ sleepy 'n grumpy .. 'n x'pects the other five dwarfs to follow throughout the course of the day ~~
~~ don't underestimate the work of volunteers - Titanic was built by professionals ..Noah's Ark was built by volunteers ~~
~~ it's hard to find a friend who is 92% funky, 96% sexy, 99% loving , 100% sweet 'n x'tremely intelligent .. so don't loose me OK! ~~
~~ is thinking ..!?.. if U 'r what U eat, then Imma go eat a skinny person ASAP !! ~~

.. HUMOR ..

~~ I check out all of my closet 'n there's no NARNIA ~~
~~ AHHH! I almost got hit by a parked car ~~
~~ just wanted U to know that I bet the dust-bunnies 'r doing it under Ur couch at this very moment ~~
~~ they say : treat others like U wanted to b' treated .. I guess a lot of ppl wanna b' treated like SH!T ~~
~~ don't U just rumors .. they tell U many awesome things U didn't even know about Urself ~~

.. BITCHY ..

~~ look at me 'n look at U .. now tell me hunny .. who's jealous of who ..?.. ~~
~~ I don't have anger management issue .. I manage my anger just fine .. U 'r the issue !! ~~
~~ sweety !.. just take Ur jealousy pills 'n stop hating on me ~~
~~ is trying to give a damn ................... .... ........ ............ ... ............... nope ! not working ~~
~~ ain't it funny when ppl can say things b'hind Ur back but can't say it in front of U .. 'n then they go blaming it on other ppl ~~


~~ don't U just hate when ppl 'r nice to U one day 'n then nasty the other ~~
~~ I have decided to stop build friendship with ppl who frankly 'r'nt worth the effort .. if U get deleted , U will know U're one of 'em ~~
~~ hate it when ppl act like Ur friends then turn around 'n stab U in the back .. U feel like shit 'cos U don't know what to do .. 'cos U hate to lose friends ~~
~~ doing a crossword : what's 9 letters long, is someone who says one thing 'n does the other ..!?.. b'gins in H 'n ends in E .. oh yeah! HYPOCRITE ~~
~~ keeping my mouth shut of all the things I need to say .. b'cos in reality U'll just look at the other way 'n pretend U heard nothing ~~
~~ tried to b' perfect but I'm not .. tried to do things Ur way but I failed .. so here's to U .. I'm Sorry I'm Not PERFECT Enuff for YOU ~~


~~ wonder if some ppl really take the time to look in a mirror b4 they step outside in public .. seriously ~~
~~ is amazed by some ppl who post lies 'n forget that some of the ppl who see it - knows the TRUTH ~~
~~ keep talking b'hind my back bitch .. Ur just making me famous ~~
~~ I am what I am 'n will never change for nobody .. so if U have a problem with my attitude or outlook on life .. do me a favor .. KISS THIS !! ~~
~~ it feels great to b' back from my old me again .. yes! that's right the sarcastic-insulting-opinionated BITCH 'r here to stay .. if U don't like it .. it's Ur problem ~~
~~ me, myself 'n I had a talk .. 'n Ur's, Urself 'n U can kiss my ASS !! ~~


~~ is pondering that great question in life ......... ... shall I or shall I not have a drink ?? ~~
~~ think of the things that makes U HAPPY 'n love the things that makes U smile ~~
~~ wants to glue a silver dollar to the sidewalk 'n watch to see how many ppl would stop 'n try to pick it up ~~
~~ during to all my silly things I do during the days .. I almost think God is sitting back 'n laughing with me ~~
~~ I can not even have my own drama .. everyone keeps giving me theirs ~~
~~ of course U like me .. I amuse U ~~

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