
~~ it's funny how hello always accompanied with goodbyes .. it's funny how good memories can start to make you cry ~~
~~ it's funny how forever never seems to really last .. it's funny how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past .. it's funny how "Friends" can just leave you when you're down .. it's funny when you need someone they're never around ~~
~~ it's funny how people change and think the're so much better .. it's funny how one lies can be packed in one "love letter" ~~
~~ it's funny how people forgive even though they can't forget .. it's funny how one night can contain so much regrets .. ~~ it's funny how ironic life can turn out to be .. but the funniest part of all .. .. is that .. ..
~~ none of that are funny to me ~~

Monday, July 26, 2010

... rAndOm thOUghts ...

... some random thoughts: it can b hurtful/loving, truth/lies, sweet/bitterness, trust, loyal, annoyed/pissed, angry/mad .. tears n sound of laughter ... thoughts that I mostly shared on my facebook page .. it may not happening to me rite at the moment but I know it did happen to me b4 'n mite happen in the future ...

~~ if U don't x'pect anything, U won't b disappointed 'n U might b' pleasantly surprise ! ~~
~~ always b prepared, always b' Urself 'n always b' honest .. that is a good recipe for self respect, self love 'n self worth ~~
~~ every time U hurt me, every time I felt pain .. every lie that U told me, made me who am I today ~~
~~ whatever secrets or lies U have hidden in the dark will eventually come out into the light .. where everyone can see U for what U 'r ~~
~~ just b'cos I'm strong 'n will get over it doesn't mean it don't hurt like hell ! ~~

~~ did U notice that LIVE backwards is EVIL 'n LIVED is DEVIL ..!?.. creepy huh! ~~
~~ keep that name in Ur head .. U'll b' screaming that later ~~
~~ friends ask U what's wrong when U cry .. best friends already have shovel ready to bury the dickhead that made U cry ~~
~~ someone once told me I should quit smoking .. 'n I told him "sweetheart .. mama didn't raise no quitter" ~~
~~ on a cloudy night when friends 'r few, I closed my eyes 'n thought of U .. a silent hope, a silent tear, a silent wish that U were here ~~
~~ he's not being lazy .. he is just being energy efficient ~~
~~ U know U're in a bad mood when chocolate doesn't even cheer U up ~~

~~ I'm starting more 'n more distant as the days pass by in front of my eyes .. but I can't x'plain why ~~
~~ wishes life could b like kindergarten all the time .. where the dreams where high 'n the drama was when Ur crayon got stolen ~~
~~ never forget Ur friends from Ur past .. for one day, U might need 'em in Ur future ~~
~~ sometimes, it just hits U like a ton of bricks, 'n when it does .. Ur heart shatters into a tiny pieces ~~
~~ count every moment like U count sheep .. time is a waste of life 'n life is a waste of time .. so waster U time living Ur life 'n b' happy ~~

~~ reminds U to b' careful whose toes U read on today .. they may be part of the foot attached to the legs that support the arse U have to kiss tomorrow ~~
~~ remember Ur greatest weapon is prayer b'cos it is the key to heaven; but faith unlocks the door ~~
~~ they say: don't cry for what is gone, smile about what remains .. no matter what it is that U lost; U can still always find value in what is left ~~
~~ trust is a fragile thing .. easy to break, easy to lose 'n very hard to get back ~~
~~ 'n I can't help but wonder when our eyes met ..!?.. did I catch U staring at me or was it U caught me ~~
~~ knowing that U 'r loved by someone .. makes every morning worth getting up for ~~

~~ sex is like a restaurant : sometimes U get x'cellent service, sometimes U get very poor service 'n sometimes .. U just have to settle for self-service ~~
~~ I didn't slap U .. I applied my hand across Ur face in a fast-motion ~~
~~ U might think U 'r all that b'cos U 'r dating my ex .. but I have just one question: HOW DO I TASTE ??~~
~~ why wait for life to get x'citing ? .. I make it x'citing everyday by just being me ~~
~~ don't U think it's funny that Mr. Crabbs lives in Bikini Bottom ..!?.. ~~
~~ hates when ppl act like U're too stupid to figure anything out .. yet in reality, they 'r too stupid to know that U already have ~~

~~ go ahead 'n talk b'hind my back .. it puts U in a better position to KISS MY ASS ~~
~~ sorry that plastic surgery can't fix Ur mistakes .. but there's always plastic bag ~~
~~ no sweetheart U're still ugly .. but U got laid b'cos Ur easy ~~
~~ if I'm a bitch then U're a bitch .. Ur mums a bitch for having a bitch .. Ur dads a bitch for fucking a bitch .. so who's the bigger bitch now ?? BITCH !! ~~
~~ has given up silent treatment .. he's talking to himself again ~~
~~ don't try hard to fit in .. life is boring if U're not a little insane ..-sometimes- ~~
~~ go to hell ! I would if I could but I can't so I won't .. but that's only b'cos the devil gave me a restraining order not to ~~
~~ when U think about wanting to kill that bastard .. just stop 'n think .. they would suffer more if U let 'em live ~~
~~ next time we meet .. I'll try waving all my fingers ~~

~~ I wake up n think of U for a minute .. then I go to sleep n dream of U for hours .. but when I wake up the next morning, I wonder for a second ..!?.. if U do the same for me ~~
~~ if one day U feel lonely , feel like U have nobody .. just remember to look back, 'cos U will always find me ~~
~~ ever since I met U .. all of those love songs make sense ~~
~~ there's always g'nna b' that one person .. no matter what they do, what they say or how many times they may hurt U .. U just can't let them go 'cos they mean so much to U ~~
~~ there's no point of chasing someone who don't chase U ~~
~~ if U asked me if I liked U, I would laugh 'n say no .. but then I would turn around 'n say: "I don't like U - I love U" ~~
~~ when I saw U I'm afraid to meet U, when I met U I'm afraid to kiss U, when I kiss U I'm afraid to love U .. 'n when I love U , I was afraid to lose U ~~

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