.. my FaceBook status update ..
..WITTY ..
~~ great minds all think a like , dirty minds on the other hand ..!?.. work together ~~
~~ sleepy 'n grumpy .. 'n x'pects the other five dwarfs to follow throughout the course of the day ~~
~~ don't underestimate the work of volunteers - Titanic was built by professionals ..Noah's Ark was built by volunteers ~~
~~ it's hard to find a friend who is 92% funky, 96% sexy, 99% loving , 100% sweet 'n x'tremely intelligent .. so don't loose me OK! ~~
~~ is thinking ..!?.. if U 'r what U eat, then Imma go eat a skinny person ASAP !! ~~
.. HUMOR ..
~~ I check out all of my closet 'n there's no NARNIA ~~
~~ AHHH! I almost got hit by a parked car ~~
~~ just wanted U to know that I bet the dust-bunnies 'r doing it under Ur couch at this very moment ~~
~~ they say : treat others like U wanted to b' treated .. I guess a lot of ppl wanna b' treated like SH!T ~~
~~ don't U just rumors .. they tell U many awesome things U didn't even know about Urself ~~
.. BITCHY ..
~~ look at me 'n look at U .. now tell me hunny .. who's jealous of who ..?.. ~~
~~ I don't have anger management issue .. I manage my anger just fine .. U 'r the issue !! ~~
~~ sweety !.. just take Ur jealousy pills 'n stop hating on me ~~
~~ is trying to give a damn ................... .... ........ ............ ... ............... nope ! not working ~~
~~ ain't it funny when ppl can say things b'hind Ur back but can't say it in front of U .. 'n then they go blaming it on other ppl ~~
~~ don't U just hate when ppl 'r nice to U one day 'n then nasty the other ~~
~~ I have decided to stop build friendship with ppl who frankly 'r'nt worth the effort .. if U get deleted , U will know U're one of 'em ~~
~~ hate it when ppl act like Ur friends then turn around 'n stab U in the back .. U feel like shit 'cos U don't know what to do .. 'cos U hate to lose friends ~~
~~ doing a crossword : what's 9 letters long, is someone who says one thing 'n does the other ..!?.. b'gins in H 'n ends in E .. oh yeah! HYPOCRITE ~~
~~ keeping my mouth shut of all the things I need to say .. b'cos in reality U'll just look at the other way 'n pretend U heard nothing ~~
~~ tried to b' perfect but I'm not .. tried to do things Ur way but I failed .. so here's to U .. I'm Sorry I'm Not PERFECT Enuff for YOU ~~
~~ wonder if some ppl really take the time to look in a mirror b4 they step outside in public .. seriously ~~
~~ is amazed by some ppl who post lies 'n forget that some of the ppl who see it - knows the TRUTH ~~
~~ keep talking b'hind my back bitch .. Ur just making me famous ~~
~~ I am what I am 'n will never change for nobody .. so if U have a problem with my attitude or outlook on life .. do me a favor .. KISS THIS !! ~~
~~ it feels great to b' back from my old me again .. yes! that's right the sarcastic-insulting-opinionated BITCH 'r here to stay .. if U don't like it .. it's Ur problem ~~
~~ me, myself 'n I had a talk .. 'n Ur's, Urself 'n U can kiss my ASS !! ~~
~~ is pondering that great question in life ......... ... shall I or shall I not have a drink ?? ~~
~~ think of the things that makes U HAPPY 'n love the things that makes U smile ~~
~~ wants to glue a silver dollar to the sidewalk 'n watch to see how many ppl would stop 'n try to pick it up ~~
~~ during to all my silly things I do during the days .. I almost think God is sitting back 'n laughing with me ~~
~~ I can not even have my own drama .. everyone keeps giving me theirs ~~
~~ of course U like me .. I amuse U ~~